Sunday, February 27, 2011


Our Annual meeting is coming up on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:00pm at the downstairs meeting rooms of the Caldwell County Public Library in Lenoir. Everyone is welcome! This is a great opportunity to learn all about Caldwell Humane Society and its activities, since we'll be discussing our 2010 accomplishments and our goals for 2011. One of our business items at the meeting will be the election of new Board members. As announced at the last meeting, Emily Warren is leaving us to move to Raleigh. Evin Conrad has accepted the nomination to complete the third year of Emily’s term. Phyllis Braswell and I (Joy Sharpe) are nominated to be elected for another three-year term. We are thankful for the following who have accepted nominations to our Board: Julie Hallock, Regina Jones, Dianne Miller and Lynne Williams. We’ve got some big shoes to fill with three very key members leaving the board this year. Not only are we losing Emily, but Lauren Clark is taking a mandatory, much-earned year off after serving CHS since 2003. Jeni Stilwell is also taking a welcomed year off after serving CHS since 2005. A special thank you to these ladies for all their hard work.

Our annual membership drive is ongoing. Those paying at the meeting will receive one of the sharp black & white CHS magnets. Members who have paid their dues may vote on CHS business, but we welcome all to our meetings, especially our loyal volunteers. We could have all the money in the world and not be able to do what we do without volunteers.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 and Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The next reservation sessions to sign up for our low cost spay/neuter clinic will be the first two Tuesdays of the month, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in meeting room #3 of the Caldwell County Library in Lenoir.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Minutes from October 2010 General Meeting

Caldwell Humane Society, Inc.
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 26, 2010
7:50 pm – Bo’s Entertainment Center

CHS, Inc. President Joy Sharpe opened the meeting and welcomed attendees following the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner that was held at 7:00 pm at Bo’s for volunteers and guests. The attendance sheet and sign-up sheets for the next reservation sessions and clinic were distributed. Each attendee then introduced themselves with a brief synopsis of their involvement with the Humane Society, followed by a round of applause for all we do to help reduce the animal population and improve the quality of life in Caldwell County.

Presentation of Certificate to Odell Watson
Joy next presented a certificate of appreciation and recognition to Odell Watson. After many years of faithfully volunteering, Odell announced his retirement this fall. Not only was he in charge of crate transportation, working three days each clinic for several years, he also brought heaters and organized our crating system.

The minutes from the August 24, 2010 meeting had been emailed previously and were unanimously approved after a motion from Penny Nix and a second by Jeni Stilwell.

Drawing for Prizes
Names were drawn of those volunteering during September and October. First prize, a $150 gift certificate to Bo’s, was won by Joni Hall. The second prize of a $100 Bo’s gift certificate was won by Lisa Miller. Dianne Miller, Regina Jones and Lynne Williams each won a $10 gift card to Bo’s.

Clinic Report (CORRECTED)
Joy announced CHS officially reached our 2,500th surgery! (However, later it was determined by the board that this number was not reached until during the December 2010 clinic and these minutes have been corrected to reflect this information.)

Event Report
Penny Nix reported on the busy month of October. CHS had a display or booth at the County Fair, PetSense Adoption, Caldwell Community College Fall Fling, and All God’s Creatures Event. [CHS will also have a display at Club Canine October 30th.]

Other Business
Joy once again expressed appreciation for all our volunteers, reporting four or five years ago we only had about 20 volunteers. We have about 80 people that have volunteered in the past year. As we continue to grow and work hard, we can do so much more.

Lauren announced her personal campaign to amend the City’s current dog ban at recreational parks. She asked anyone interested in signing her petition to see her after the meeting. A brief discussion was held about dog parks and experiences various attendees have had at dog parks.

With no further business, the meeting was concluded at 8:20 pm.