Monday, September 19, 2011

Upcoming Events - Volunteers Needed

Sawmills Fall Festival – Saturday, September 24th 10am – 4pm

Caldwell County Agricultural Fair – Wednesday, September 27 – Saturday, October 1st - 5pm – 9pm each evening and 1pm – 9pm Saturday

Caldwell Animal Control Community Outreach and Open House – Saturday, October 8th 10am – 2pm

Please Volunteer!

If we all pitch in and do our part, then we won't have to depend so heavily on the same few volunteers. There were 461 dogs and cats put down in Caldwell County in August. We have to spread the word and educate the public, and these events will help do just that. CHS is sending an average 60 to 75 animals per month to be spayed or neutered. This amount saves thousands of animals per year from euthanization.

Thank you for your concern and help!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Caldwell Humane Society, Inc.
Annual Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2011
7:00 pm – Lenoir Public Library

CHS, Inc. President Joy Sharpe opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.

The minutes from the January 22, 2011 meeting had been distributed via email prior to the meeting; and were unanimously approved after a motion from Phyllis Braswell and a second by Julie Hallock.

Board of Directors Elections & Recognition
Outgoing Board members Jeni Stilwell and Lauren Clark were recognized for their years of service to the Humane Society. Under Article V, Section 3 of CHS Bylaws, a director may serve a maximum of two consecutive three year terms in which they were elected by the membership. After a mandatory one-year absence, a member may again stand for election or be appointed to the Board. Both directors were commended for their dedication and were awarded plaques in recognition of their service.

Educational Events
Penny gave a brief report on education events that CHS participated in during 2010; and plans for the coming year including PetSense, Blackberry and Butterfly Festivals and Bark in the Park. We are also handing out flyers at the Rabies Clinic April 2nd. Penny turned in $64 that she and Chia collected at the last spay/neuter clinic.

Volunteer signup sheets for April reservation sessions and clinic were passed out. Pre-orders for BIP t-shirts were taken at $7. They will be $10 at BIP. A color has not yet been decided.

2010 Year in Review and Treasurer’s Report
Jeni passed out the Profit and Loss Statement for last year showing a loss of $1,009.30; which was good considering the number of SPOT surgeries performed last year. Jeni answered a question about the telephone bill and explained it is for a cell phone which is the only way we can do our voice mail.

Joy reviewed 2010 Year in Review that had been distributed. Each year shows increased surgeries each year which can’t be done without our volunteers.

Ballots were collected from CHS dues-paying members. All votes were affirmative to accept the slate of directors as nominated: Phyllis Braswell and Joy Sharpe for re-election to new three-year terms; the election of Evin Conrad to one year (completing the third year of Emily Warren’s term); and the election to three-year terms of Julie Hallock, Regina Jones, Dianne Miller, and Lynne Williams.

Clinic Report
Ruby reported on the reservation and clinic numbers and encouraged volunteers to participate on Tuesday nights. April’s clinic is booked and we’re well into May. It was discussed whether we could do another clinic in April but Humane Alliance is fully scheduled for the month.

7th Annual Bark in the Park
Julie read the Bark in the Park report for Phyllis. Tonight is the deadline for sponsorship turn in; vendor deadline is April 22nd. Phyllis passed out a volunteer signup sheet and took orders for the BIP t-shirts which will be ordered on April 11th. Phyllis thanked everyone who worked on sponsorships and for the pet items turned in for the Silent Auction baskets. April 4th we will send out the volunteer signup sheet; and May 1st at 4:00 pm will be the volunteer meeting for BIP.

Pledges for Walk. Joy explained this is a way to raise money. We like to mention that $25 pays for a surgery. But any amount is good. It all adds up to prevent more unwanted pets from being born. Phyllis explained the release has to be signed on the Pledge Form – some of them were printed with the signature line cut off. There will be prizes for top pledge raisers.

Recognition of 2010 Volunteers
We had approximately 80 volunteers last year; some just one time and many faithful that come over and over again, putting in hours and hours of volunteering. We have a lot of hard-working volunteers. We made it through a wet clinic day last month, doing 76 surgeries and that’s worth getting a little wet for. Joy thanked the volunteers and encouraged all to invite their friends. We need all the volunteers we can get. Children are welcome, too. (They just can’t be in the crating area near the animals.)

With no further business, the meeting was concluded at 7:40 pm. Refreshments were served.

Future Meeting Dates
Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 4:00 pm (Bark in the Park volunteer meeting)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 (regular meeting)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 (regular meeting) Cancelled
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 (regular meeting)

Caldwell Humane Society, Inc. 2010 Year In Review
Caldwell Humane Society, Inc. Profit & Loss by Class

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, June 28th @ 7pm

Please plan to attend the General Meeting Tuesday night, June 28th at 7PM in the lower meeting rooms at the Lenoir Library.

EVERYONE in the community is welcome to attend. This is the time to make a difference in our community. Come join us in the discussion.

Thank you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Minutes from January 2011 Meeting

Caldwell Humane Society, Inc.
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2011
7:00 pm – Lenoir Public Library

CHS, Inc. President Joy Sharpe opened the meeting and welcomed attendees and guest speakers.

The minutes from the October 26, 2010 meeting had been emailed previously and were unanimously approved after a motion from Phyllis Braswell and a second by Penny Nix.

Presentation of Certificate to Emily Warren
Joy presented a certificate of appreciation to resigning board member Emily Warren who is moving to Raleigh. Emily has made many valuable contributions during the past three years – logo designer, reservation session leader and Bark in the Park Coordinator, to name a few.

Clinic Report
Ruby Boldin presented the clinic report. Since the last meeting in October, 75 surgeries were performed in November and 45 in December; for a total of 776 in 2010, versus 697 in 2009. The January 2011 clinic was cancelled due to snow.

City/County Initiative – Resolution of Support
Ron Stilwell reported on the efforts under way to get municipalities involved with county animal programs. To date, the cities of Lenoir, Hudson, Granite Falls, and Sawmills have adopted resolutions of support for adoption and/or spay/neuter in support of the county program. The cities recognize their responsibility in working together with the counties and all cities have assigned an official to serve on the Caldwell Municipal Advisory Committee. This can lead to more funding, legislation and get people responsible for their animals. All animal groups can work closer together with greater communication toward a common goal.

Guest Speaker – Denise Michaud, Caldwell County Health Department Director
In Caldwell County, Animal Control is under the Health Department. Denise has arranged for Kimberly Alboum, NC president of Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), to hold a grass roots meeting to speak about issues that face animal lovers, such as coyote penning, puppy mills, and what volunteers can do to help the Animal Control Department. The session will be February 10th at Human Services building on the third floor, 6:30 – 8:30pm. Kimberly has good ideas about shelter improvement. Attendees must RSVP on a link that will be forwarded to the CHS email group. The conference room holds 100. It should be interesting and help kick off and reinforce what we are doing together. Commissioners will add to the February 7th agenda to issue a proclamation of spay/neuter month for Caldwell County to help communicate to the public about this important effort. HSUS has been a huge help to the county when Caldwell Animal Control (CAC) was dealing with dog fighting event in 2008 with over 80 pit bulls discovered on a property. They also sent help during a cock fighting investigation. A good turnout will show Kimberly how much Caldwell County cares about its animals and its community by being supportive of one another, and by being there to hear what Kimberly has to say.

Guest Speaker – Greg Greene, Caldwell County Animal Control Director
Euthanasia is the biggest topic in Animal Control. Call volume from January 2010 to January 2011 was 3500. With four (4) officers besides Greg, there is not a lot of time for adoptions. Two ladies work front office. Dispatching protocols take a lot of time. Three officers are licensed to euthanize animals. One to 14 animals per day average have to be euthanized due to limited kennel space. This is per state mandates. Most of the animals are adoptable but due to space have to be euthanized. Pet Partners and Pet Pals have taken some of the animals for adoption. A school program was started in 2010 with CAC and Dr. Beth Jones targeting 6th grade students to promote responsible ownership. Adoptions are not going to solve the problem. No way to find 5,000 people a year to take the animals. Adoptions are declining instead of rising. Education in spay and neutering is where we’re going to see the numbers start changing. Any ideas to help educate, contact Greg at any time. [Denise mentioned the flyer going into the February water bill promoting spay/neuter month.] Greg answered a question concerning policy on releasing adoptable dogs or cats to animal groups. A 501(c) (3) registered rescue group, can come in at any time and if an animal is available for adoption, can take the animal at no charge, but must transfer ownership. It’s difficult to manage legally having animals out of shelter w/o transferring ownership. This makes the animal the property of rescue group, not Caldwell County. Economical, sensible thing to do. These animals are eligible for the $8 rabies as CAC doesn’t want any animal going out over 4 months without a rabies vaccine. Can’t do $65/spay neuter for animals going out to Rescue groups. If animals are not available for adoption yet, because of the period mandated by law for strays, CAC will hold and put name on that and contact at end of hold period. The more space CAC has, the more animals they can hold and not have to euthanize as many. A visitor may see two or three empty kennels and wonder what is going on. Eight kennels are to strays for the 72 hour period. Six to eight more kennels are for quarantines, cruelty, dangerous dogs. CAC has to keep those kennels open in case. It doesn’t mean they’re not full. CAC does contact specific breed rescue groups – lately most have been full, unfortunately. CAC is open the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm for adoptions and rabies vaccines only. CAC charges $2 to replace a lost rabies tag when the rabies was given at Animal Control.

Debra Venti, Pet Pals
Debra moved to Caldwell County nine years ago and was appalled to hear about the local animal problems. She started researching, investigating, helping and came to believe lack of information is the biggest problem in the County. There will be an infomercial beginning in February about spay/neutering and adoption. She spoke about what she would like to do at Animal Control to help with adoptions, i.e. rotating and marketing animals, and help make improvements on site.

Greg said that due to budget constraints no new building is in the foreseeable future. Fencing is needed. Recently two horses were held in the front yard of Animal Control. Denise said CAC is doing the best it can with the available tax money. Some counties don’t have an Animal Control Department. Ron spoke of the possibility of the municipalities having an animal control officer/ representative for feasible cooperation. Police control leash law in the city. If in a city limit, contact local PD. The police department can commission CAC to remove the animal. If a dog is loose in the county, CAC can remove animal from your property or set live traps. CAC cannot go out in the neighborhood and take animals off another person’s property without having a signed release form. CAC has no control over wildlife unless it’s possibly rabid. A wildlife depredation officer must be called in to remove animal if it isn’t sick; just being a nuisance.

Debra continued identifying things that are needed at Animal Control; i.e. cutting trails for walking and socialization. Pet Pals wants to help CAC with adoptions, socialization, and raising money for needed items. Debra showed the Pet Pals t-shirts that are sold for a $15 donation. They are printed with “Rescue Me” Adopt, Adjust, and Adapt. Pet Pals encourages people to adopt, adjust their way of thinking and adapt to a new way of living so Caldwell County can move forward with solutions for the animal problems. CCAC is on the sleeve with a memorial stripe for animals put down in the past. Pet Pals wants to help CHS with spay and neuters, and help Pet Partners promote adoptions at Tractor Supply. They are getting the word out about February being spay/neuter month. Suggestions were made from the floor about asking businesses and municipalities to put up signs promoting spay/neuter month.

Joy said all the animal groups want to reduce the euthanasia rate. She wanted to let Greg and his people know how much we appreciate the job they are doing. Greg said 2,500 surgeries is a tremendous accomplishment for our County and he commended CHS for its role in helping reduce the number of animals CAC has to euthanize.

Ron opened the floor for any concerns or questions about communications or any contact with CAC. We are all here for the same purpose. Greg wants any problems brought to his attention. If he doesn’t know what’s broken, he can’t fix it. Ron just wants to be sure we have open communication. A question was asked about the shelter not being open every Saturday, and more information not being available about the day it is open. There have not been many people coming in for adoption. Banners are put out during the week CAC is open on Saturday. Some months it may be same day as Pet Partners adopt-a-thon. CAC has staffing issues with non-exempt not being able to work more than 40 hours week. If more individuals showed an interest in coming that one Saturday, it would make it easier to justify a recommendation to increase the Saturdays to increase adoptions. People are struggling to pay the $65 adoption fee. So if they can’t afford that, then they can’t afford to feed or provide veterinary care. Then they end up surrendering the animal because they can no longer afford to pay to keep the animal. There is a rise in owner animals being turned in. It’s bad enough for CAC to deal with strays, but owner-surrendered animals are making CAC go over the top. Owner animals may be the best animals to put up for adoption as they are already socialized, but strays have to be held for 72 hours mandated by law. Unfortunately the most adoptable animals get euthanized due to the space constraints. [Animals turned in by their owners may be euthanized immediately.] Just the facts of the way things go. CAC does use microchip scanners.

Denise said if anyone has any concerns or misunderstandings or needs further explanation about shelter policies or procedures, please feel free to call. Being familiar with what Animal Control has to do, rather than what people think they can do, will eliminate a lot of misunderstanding and negativity. Greg said anyone should feel free to call him with any questions or concerns; or for a tour of the facility.

Joy thanked the speakers and adjourned the meeting at 8:13 pm.

Important Dates:
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 7:00 pm (annual meeting)
Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 4:00 pm (Bark in the Park volunteer meeting)
Saturday, May 14, 2011 at noon (Bark in the Park)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 (regular meeting)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 (regular meeting)
Tuesday, October 25, 100 (regular meeting)

CHS Contact Information:
Email address:
Phone number: (828) 499-0289 (leave a message and a volunteer will return your call)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Our Annual meeting is coming up on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:00pm at the downstairs meeting rooms of the Caldwell County Public Library in Lenoir. Everyone is welcome! This is a great opportunity to learn all about Caldwell Humane Society and its activities, since we'll be discussing our 2010 accomplishments and our goals for 2011. One of our business items at the meeting will be the election of new Board members. As announced at the last meeting, Emily Warren is leaving us to move to Raleigh. Evin Conrad has accepted the nomination to complete the third year of Emily’s term. Phyllis Braswell and I (Joy Sharpe) are nominated to be elected for another three-year term. We are thankful for the following who have accepted nominations to our Board: Julie Hallock, Regina Jones, Dianne Miller and Lynne Williams. We’ve got some big shoes to fill with three very key members leaving the board this year. Not only are we losing Emily, but Lauren Clark is taking a mandatory, much-earned year off after serving CHS since 2003. Jeni Stilwell is also taking a welcomed year off after serving CHS since 2005. A special thank you to these ladies for all their hard work.

Our annual membership drive is ongoing. Those paying at the meeting will receive one of the sharp black & white CHS magnets. Members who have paid their dues may vote on CHS business, but we welcome all to our meetings, especially our loyal volunteers. We could have all the money in the world and not be able to do what we do without volunteers.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 and Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The next reservation sessions to sign up for our low cost spay/neuter clinic will be the first two Tuesdays of the month, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in meeting room #3 of the Caldwell County Library in Lenoir.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Minutes from October 2010 General Meeting

Caldwell Humane Society, Inc.
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 26, 2010
7:50 pm – Bo’s Entertainment Center

CHS, Inc. President Joy Sharpe opened the meeting and welcomed attendees following the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner that was held at 7:00 pm at Bo’s for volunteers and guests. The attendance sheet and sign-up sheets for the next reservation sessions and clinic were distributed. Each attendee then introduced themselves with a brief synopsis of their involvement with the Humane Society, followed by a round of applause for all we do to help reduce the animal population and improve the quality of life in Caldwell County.

Presentation of Certificate to Odell Watson
Joy next presented a certificate of appreciation and recognition to Odell Watson. After many years of faithfully volunteering, Odell announced his retirement this fall. Not only was he in charge of crate transportation, working three days each clinic for several years, he also brought heaters and organized our crating system.

The minutes from the August 24, 2010 meeting had been emailed previously and were unanimously approved after a motion from Penny Nix and a second by Jeni Stilwell.

Drawing for Prizes
Names were drawn of those volunteering during September and October. First prize, a $150 gift certificate to Bo’s, was won by Joni Hall. The second prize of a $100 Bo’s gift certificate was won by Lisa Miller. Dianne Miller, Regina Jones and Lynne Williams each won a $10 gift card to Bo’s.

Clinic Report (CORRECTED)
Joy announced CHS officially reached our 2,500th surgery! (However, later it was determined by the board that this number was not reached until during the December 2010 clinic and these minutes have been corrected to reflect this information.)

Event Report
Penny Nix reported on the busy month of October. CHS had a display or booth at the County Fair, PetSense Adoption, Caldwell Community College Fall Fling, and All God’s Creatures Event. [CHS will also have a display at Club Canine October 30th.]

Other Business
Joy once again expressed appreciation for all our volunteers, reporting four or five years ago we only had about 20 volunteers. We have about 80 people that have volunteered in the past year. As we continue to grow and work hard, we can do so much more.

Lauren announced her personal campaign to amend the City’s current dog ban at recreational parks. She asked anyone interested in signing her petition to see her after the meeting. A brief discussion was held about dog parks and experiences various attendees have had at dog parks.

With no further business, the meeting was concluded at 8:20 pm.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Bark in the Park Sponsorship Kick-off Meeting

Happy New Year All!

Just a reminder about the 2011 sponsorship meeting being held this Sunday, January 9th at 3:00 pm at the Caldwell County Public Library in Room #3. Please attend this meeting if you would like to help raise sponsor money from different companies and individuals throughout the area. If you cannot attend, but would still like to volunteer, please let us know by emailing us at